New Articles

  1. EFFORTLESS ELEGANCE: Enhance Your Natural Beauty with These Natural Steps.

    This is the first post on our beauty and wellness blog for tech and creative folks. Make sure you are beautiful, inside and out. FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BOLD! | Catherine Heath Studios
  2. Unbridled Rage | When I Last Spoke | Catherine Heath Studios

    Unbridled Rage By Catherine Heath July 2024 For all the men who dared.  You can't cage a phoenix-- You might try, But we're dragons-- And we will fly. Burn them all!  I'm Frankenstein's monster, baby. (He put me back toge...
  3. PLACEHOLDER | Flirtation % Tea | University of West Didsbury

  4. He is Ezra Pound

    A poem written by two bezzie mates.
  5. Chapter I | The Art of Tea | Catherine Heath Studios

    Bibliography: quotes and references to use Question: Are we really post-colonial or just apologist colonial?  It begs the question, who are the colonists of history and why? See The Art of War by Lao Tzu.  Read any history book ever written on...
  6. The Art of Tea: The Tea Table and Colonialism in the Modernist British Empire

  7. Memorial | Catherine Heath Studios

    Memorial By Catherine Julianne Heath 28 June 2024 Cup of chaos  We will rise The phoenix from ashes  A startup An office being born To sad to say We want to die Unicorns blast off  At the speed of light  Cantering GALLOPPING T...
  8. The Technology Ecosystem: United by Knowledge | Away with Words

    The Technology Ecosystem: United by Knowledge|Owl June 28 2024 By Catherine Julianne Heath KnowledgeOwl alum The knowledge base ecosystem is a complex beast. It can be hard to navigate as a freelancer with a nifty box of tools, and I'...
  9. The Gates of Hell | Catherine Julianne Heath | Tea and Madness

    The Gates of Hell 27 June 2024 By Catherine Heath We've been to Hell and Back Not Valhallah, Land of the Gods.  Simply Satan's lair, Dull, Boring,  Lifeless.  The only lifeline the medical teams, Knocking at our door.  Oh, ra...
  10. Alice in Wonderland | Catherine Heath Studios | Dedicated to Johnny Depp

    Alice in Wonderland By Catherine Julianne Heath Dedicated to Jessica Marie Heath 25 June 2024 Remembering, forgetting, remembering A garden of flowers Down the rabbit hole Of psychedelic dreams.  A talking cat? A smile like Cheshire...