Unbridled Rage | When I Last Spoke | Catherine Heath Studios

Unbridled Rage

By Catherine Heath

July 2024

For all the men who dared. 

You can't cage a phoenix--

You might try,

But we're dragons--

And we will fly.

Burn them all! 

I'm Frankenstein's monster, baby.

(He put me back together)

When he broke me,

With his sickle;

Death's staff 

Looming over my head.

He dropped it,


Or swung it with such force,

I shattered. 


I'm his puzzle--

With a piece missing 

(Like Adams rib).

The Bible tells a story-- 

But I rip it up and smoke it,

When I run out of


I boast about him:

And his crimes--

I'm proud of his sins,

(They mean he's a man),

Tired and weary--

Weak from the fight,

But I will never die.

I am the phoenix,

Reborn from the ashes--

The Vikings;


Up out of their long ships. 

You find us in prisons;




We’re hard as nails, baby--

(I could stab you with one)

If you came too close.


Don’t mistake a catcall

For an offence--

For I am a cat,

And I know what a 


Sounds like. 

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