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  1. Irresistible Poison – 2014

    I'm not really sure what this poem is about. Disillusionment. Drawn to that which drains us.
  2. The Man Who Was Cursed – May 2020

    This is a poem about how hard it is to be successful in life, but we can be inspired by others.
  3. Things We Tell Ourselves

    Things We Tell Ourselves – by Catherine Heath
  4. Puppets – July 2018

    A poem about betrayal, and the hurt that can fester inside of us until it feels truly evil. There is hope, however.
  5. My soul is reborn in Hong Kong: reflections on a mental health episode

    On a recent trip to Hong Kong I unexpectedly ended up in a psychiatric hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown. Read about my experiences in Hong Kong receiving medical care.
  6. Alpha Male – May 2020

    This is a poem about the elusive alpha male, the winner of hearts and minds. He is adored by men and women alike.
  7. Banshee - August 2020

    This poem is about the modern woman, and the battles we face every day.
  8. Love

    Meditations on love.
  9. Where are the Tea Rooms? – February 2011

    This poem is about romance! And also unrequited love.
  10. A Fashionable Eye

    A Fashionable Eye – Catherine Heath