New Articles

  1. Hipster Jim

    Hipster Jim – Catherine Heath
  2. More enlightened ways to cope with stress for 2019

    There are many myths surrounding the concept of mental illness and mental health. I discuss the relationship between stress and addictions.
  3. Work with me! | Catherine Heath Studios | Away with Words

    I'm a community advisor and marketing advocate for creative and ethical companies. I offer freelancing services like blogging, documentation and copywriting. Contractors for specialized services.
  4. My Reading List

    I read – A LOT. I record the books I'm reading here with a summary and analysis of what I think of them as a recommendation to others.
  5. New mental health comic

    I've being going through a rough time recently and I wanted to find some way of resolving the many negative thoughts that flit through my mind every day.
  6. Learning acrylic painting with YouTube tutorials

    The beginning of my journey learning to paint with acrylics as part of my ongoing artistic self-training.