This is a poem for all my friends, they are all my best friends – the family you choose. And especially for my first best friend, Shipa Khatun-Newman.
This is a poem about the struggle that we all have to choose the right path in life. Do we choose our destiny, or is it fate?
This is a poem about the folly of aspiration, and how you should always follow your heart. Don't care what anyone else thinks.
This is about feeling betrayed by someone you love.
This is about being aware that people have ulterior motives. Be vigilant! Seek enlightenment.
This is my interpretation of John Milton's Paradise Lost poem that I wrote for GSCE English Literature & Language.
This is about that time we did the Ouija board!
This is a poem about loving someone so much, it hurts.
This poem is about romance! And also unrequited love.
I'm not really sure what this poem is about. Disillusionment. Drawn to that which drains us.