Comics & Illustration

Webcomics and illustrations I have created.

Harry at university

Harry at university

Harry is a character from Gin Bottle Blues and he also makes a reappearance in a new story I'm working on called Cigarettes and Saints. You can read the full story of Gin Bottle Blues on my website and it's split into six chapters. Harry is one of the most complex characters in the story and the impression you get of him in Book I is that he's an arrogant shithead, but I wanted to take that apart and explore just why Harry might come across the way he does. Ultimately this led to a huge plot twist and I'm excited to finish Cigarettes and Saints, but it's on hiatus at the moment while I recover from health issues. 

Chinese New Year Lucky Cat

Chinese New Year Lucky Cat

Canada illustration

Canada bear illustration

KnowledgeOwl Trip to Prague

Career Ladder

Things We Tell Ourselves

Hipster Jim

Hipster Jim

A Fashionable Eye

A Fashionable Eye

Couples I & II

Couples I

Couples II